IEEE J-FLEX published issues and Early Access articles on IEEE Xplore: page
Authors are invited to submit manuscripts containing original and substantial work that must not be currently under consideration for publication in other venues. It is IEEE publications policy to not republish papers of any kind
(see here).
However, the IEEE J-FLEX might consider publishing expanded, more complete, and archival-quality versions of papers that have been presented at conferences and/or published in conference proceedings. Please refer to guidelines for conference based special issues, here.
All original manuscripts or revisions to the IEEE J-FLEX must be submitted electronically through IEEE Manuscript Central: Each submitted manuscript will be sent to reviewers who will evaluate your work. The IEEE J-FLEX encourages authors to suggest potential reviewers as part of the submission process, which might help to expedite the review of the manuscript. Please suggest only those without conflict of interest (e.g. who work at institutions other than your own and with whom you have no collaborative or other technical or family ties). Each submission must be classified by the author to select appropriate keywords of this Journal (e.g., Advanced Materials, Printed Electronics, Flexible Electronics, Ultra-Thin Chips, Sustainable Electronics etc.).
Authors are required to prepare manuscripts employing the double-column style template developed by IEEE (see here).
More general information on article templates, as well as instructions on how to prepare your papers for publication in IEEE Transactions and Journals can be found in the IEEE Author Digital Toolbox (see here )
IEEE J-FLEX follows the IEEE practices on units and abbreviations, as outlined in the Institute’s published standards; see IEEE Information for Author Digital Too Box at: here. IEEE J-FLEX requires that derivations which are easily found in the literature merely be cited.
The IEEE J-FLEX cannot accept the situations when authors submit the same, or nearly identical, manuscript to more than one place (journals or conferences) or resubmit their prior publications without significant extension. In such cases: a) the manuscript in question will be immediately rejected; b) other manuscripts of the same authors/co-authors currently under review will be returned; c) the authors/co-authors will be prohibited from new submissions to the IEEE J-FLEX for at least one calendar year.
However, extension of 3-page, or less, conference abstracts into full 8-page, or more, articles is permitted. Indeed, IEEE J-FLEX has a synergistic relationship with both IEEE International Flexible Electronics Technology Conference (IFETC) and IEEE International Conference on Flexible, Printable, Sensors and Systems (FLEPS), the flagship conferences in flexible electronics by our core sponsoring society (Electron Device Society) and council (Sensors Council). Please refer to guidelines for conference based special issues, here.
The author(s) or their company/institution will be billed $175 (USD) per page of published pages in excess of the first 8-pages for regular articles, 13-pages for invited articles and 20-pages for review articles. These charges are mandatory, and the author(s) will be held responsible for them. Payment of these charges is not negotiable or voluntary. Submission by the author of their manuscript to this Journal signifies acceptance of the requirement to pay mandatory page charges. The Publisher holds the right to withhold publication of the current submission or any future submissions from the author(s) if this charge is not honored. To avoid incurring mandatory page charges, the author(s) are advised to practice economy in the original manuscript submission and restraint in preparation of the final manuscript following peer review. Review papers normally cannot exceed 20 pages. Mandatory over-length page charges may apply above this page limit.
As J-FLEX is a Hybrid journal, authors are also able to submit as Open Access. The Article Processing Charge (APC) for OA: US $2345.
By policy, IEEE owns the copyright to the technical contributions it publishes. To comply with the United States copyright law, authors of accepted papers are required to submit online a completed IEEE Copyright Form. The form returns to the authors and their employers’ full rights to reuse their material for their own purposes. The Copyright Form can be reviewed and downloaded from the IEEE site, here.
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Start gaining more exposure for your research by adding your research data during the manuscript upload process or uploading your dataset today for a paper you’ve previously published.
To contact the IEEE J-FLEX Publication Office, please send email to Mansi Kukreti